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Peter Mortensen
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What toshould I do when a question is made duplicate to a not really relevant other question?

This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden, a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation,reputation; years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, and I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the Physicsphysics, i.e. data, is not. probabilityProbability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories Andand to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

Edit 2 Question was answered in a comment by MassimoOrtolano:

The usual line below, below the question for flagging or requesting closure:, is

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is variable and becomes

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which I had not noticed up to now  .

What to do when a question is made duplicate to a not really relevant other question?

This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation, years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the Physics, i.e. data, is not. probability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories And to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

Edit 2 Question was answered in a comment by MassimoOrtolano:

The usual line below the question for flagging or requesting closure:

share cite edit follow close flag

is variable and becomes

share cite edit follow reopen flag

which I had not noticed up to now  .

What should I do when a question is made duplicate to a not really relevant other question?

This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden, a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation; years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, and I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the physics, i.e. data, is not. Probability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories and to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

Edit 2 Question was answered in a comment by MassimoOrtolano:

The usual line, below the question for flagging or requesting closure, is

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is variable and becomes

share cite edit follow reopen flag

which I had not noticed up to now.

edited title
Qmechanic Mod
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What to do when a question is made duplicate to a not really relevant other question?

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anna v
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This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation, years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the Physics, i.e. data, is not. probability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories And to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

Edit 2 Question was answered in a comment by MassimoOrtolano:

The usual line below the question for flagging or requesting closure:

share cite edit follow close flag

is variable and becomes

share cite edit follow reopen flag

which I had not noticed up to now .

This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation, years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the Physics, i.e. data, is not. probability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories And to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

This question How can photons destructively interfere?, definitely and clearly a question about photons, was made duplicate to a general waves question: What happens to the energy when waves perfectly cancel each other?.

Photons are not waves. They are quantum mechanical elementary particles and their wave nature appears in the wave function, leading to probability amplitudes, not energy in motion in three-dimensional space.

There is no evident way to vote for unmaking the duplicate action.

Edit after answers:

I realize there is a way to reopen, but it is not obvious on the panel of duplicate. How can I vote? By having it hidden a lot of people who would agree with me do not have a chance to vote. I am on this site practically for ten years (that is why I have a high reputation, years count). Still I do not know how to put a duplicate on a reopen course, I am sure there are many others like me.

I propose to put a link on the duplicate panel that leads to the decision queue.

Again, I think it is a bad decision: "Yes, the mathematics of wave equations is the same for classical energy waves and for quantum mechanical probability waves the Physics, i.e. data, is not. probability and energy are two different concepts defined axiomatically in physics theories And to send a new student of physics to dig out from the mathematics the relevant answer is at least not consistent with the aims of the site.

Edit 2 Question was answered in a comment by MassimoOrtolano:

The usual line below the question for flagging or requesting closure:

share cite edit follow close flag

is variable and becomes

share cite edit follow reopen flag

which I had not noticed up to now .

added 652 characters in body
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anna v
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added 652 characters in body
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anna v
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Became Hot Meta Post
deleted 120 characters in body; edited tags
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Qmechanic Mod
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Copy edited (e.g. ref. <>, <>, and <>).
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Peter Mortensen
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anna v
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