The Unicode character set contains most of the characters that are needed to construct equations. For example you can write:
ds² = -(1 - 2GM/c²r)c²dt² + (1 - 2GM/c²r)⁻¹ dr² + r²dθ² + r² sin²(θ)dφ²
just using Unicode characters. The problem is that from a keyboard the only way to enter Unicode characters requires you to remember their character code and few us can manage this. The solution I have found is a Chrome add-on called Magical - Text Expansion, which despite the slightly silly name works pretty well.
Using the addon you can define character sequences that are converted to the required Unicode symbol, for example I have defined int_
to produce ∫, approx_
to produce ≈ and so on. The addon makes it straightforward to write equations like the one above since it’s a lot easier to remember the character sequences than the Unicode character codes. Of course you still have to define all the sequences, but I’ve appended the definitions I use below and you can import these into the Magical - Text Expansion addon with a few mouse clicks.
I should emphasise that MathJax remains the preferred option where possible, and you should only use MathJax on the main site. However for the chat rooms the Magical - Text Expansion addon provides a fallback solution that is worth mentioning.
My definitions:
"version": 3,
"shortcuts": {
"_0 ": "₀",
"_1 ": "₁",
"_2 ": "₂",
"_3 ": "₃",
"_4 ": "₄",
"_5 ": "₅",
"_6 ": "₆",
"_7 ": "₇",
"_8 ": "₈",
"_9 ": "₉",
"_t": "ₜ",
"-->": "⟶",
"^-": "⁻",
"^+": "⁺",
"^0 ": "°",
"^1 ": "¹",
"^2 ": "²",
"^3 ": "³",
"^4 ": "⁴",
"^5 ": "⁵",
"^6 ": "⁶",
"^7 ": "⁷",
"^8 ": "⁸",
"^9 ": "⁹",
"+-": "±",
"<--": "⟵",
"1/2 ": "¹⁄₂",
"1/3 ": "¹⁄₃",
"1/4 ": "¹⁄₄",
"2/3 ": "²⁄₃",
"3/2 ": "³⁄₂",
"3/4 ": "³⁄₄",
"a_ ": "α",
"approx_": "≈",
"b_ ": "β",
"D_ ": "Δ",
"d_ ": "δ",
"del_": "∇",
"e_ ": "ε",
"f_ ": "φ",
"F_ ": "Φ",
"G_ ": "Γ",
"g_ ": "γ",
"h_ ": "η",
"inf_": "∞",
"int_": "∫",
"L_ ": "Λ",
"l_ ": "λ",
"m_ ": "μ",
"n_ ": "ν",
"nabla_": "∇",
"ne_": "≠",
"O_ ": "Ω",
"p_ ": "π",
"propto_": "∝",
"q_ ": "θ",
"r_ ": "ρ",
"s_ ": "σ",
"S_ ": "Σ",
"sqrt_": "√",
"t_ ": "τ",
"times_": "×",
"w_ ": "ω",
"Y_ ": "Ψ",
"y_ ": "ψ",
"z_ ": "ζ"