This question did get wrongly and prematurely closed:
Can physics get rid of the continuum?
It is a good, valuable, and constructive question that fits in perfectly with the (more theoretical) content and purpose of our site, and has already some nice answers. The answers already there and the interesting discussions in the comments show that the question hits active research areas at the inteface between mathematics and physics. Asking such questions is often very beneficial to make progress, in particular in theoretical physics. It is neither "off topic" nor "not consutructive" or what else one could invoke as a pretext to close it. But maybe the question could (and should ?) be shortened and put straight a little bit as Ron suggests in the comments.
Initial mistagging (soft question only) or too much discussion are NOT legitimate reasons to close the question itself! A better way would have been to retag the question appropriately, make suggestions for improvements (as Ron did for example), move the comments to chat if needed, and then leave it alone.
So can the question be reopened please?