I am aware of the temporary nature of comments in phys.SE (and generally in the SE network) and their primary scope to ask for/point out clarifications on a post, or to suggest edits.
However, upon a brief exchange of comments with @BioPhysicist under this answer, they pointed out that anything that doesn't fit into the above two categories, should not be a comment at all, or more precisely, if it's not an edit nor an answer, then it shouldn't be posted at all. I am, thus, left wondering:
Given a question, where I have an interesting thought or comment1, that is not elaborate enough to be an answer, or that does not address all the points in the question, but that I think would benefit the OP and the readers of the question, should I refrain from posting it? Should I go even further as to flag such comments?
Personally, I don't think I should refrain from posting my thoughts as a comment (and then obviously I wouldn't flag other, similar, comments), because despite the temporary nature of comments, hey, someone might have read it while it was there and found it helpful. If they didn't and the comment is now deleted, no big deal.
I'd be interested to hear possible reasons why I should refrain from posting such comments.
By the way, please, do not go into details about the linked question that motivated this one. My question is a general question about the usage of comments in phys.SE and is self-contained in this post, not whether @BioPhysicist or me is right about that particular answer answering the (currently actually closed) question sufficiently or not.
1 comment in the traditional sense of the word, not the technical sense "words in the little 300 character space under a post"