New user accounts asking their first question are presented with the following prompt:
This guidance is … not a great fit for our community. It's great guidance for asking for help with homework, where there is a well-defined problem statement and it is normal to plug along for a while and get stuck. But our community has spent several years rejecting "homework" and "homework-like" questions in favor of "conceptual" questions. Since this modal dialog is only shown to very new users, and may have been added to the system after many long-time users joined, these new users are getting conflicting and sometimes condescending advice in comments and on Meta when they come to ask why their reasonable-seeming questions are closed.
The fatal flaw to me seems to be the phrase "what you've tried," which is much more like having run up against a wall and gotten stuck than it is like trying to wrap your head around some conceptual issue.
Let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that this dialog is per-site customizable. (It might be, or it might take six to eight weeks of complaining.) What would a more helpful introductory dialog say?