The following is new behavior. It happens in Chrome (under Windows) but not in Firefox:
At the top of my screen, there are various buttons for accessing my inbox, my reputation, the various tools, a list of communities, etc. Normally I click on a button and a small popup window appears, from which I can navigate further.
What's happening now is that the little popup window briefly appears and then quickly vanishes before I have a chance to click on anything. So for example, if I want to read my inbox, I click on the inbox icon, am given a (very) brief glimpse of what's in my inbox, and then it's suddenly too late to click on any of the individual messages.
I'm not sure whether this is a problem at my end or something going on with StackExchange. (The same problem occurs in math.stackexchange. It does not occur in MathOverflow.) I am posting mostly to ask if others are having the same issue.
PS: The same thing happens when I try to choose tags for this post. I click into the "Tags" box, I am shown some tags I can choose, and the selection disappears before I can choose anything. I finally managed, after several tries, to click on "discussion" in the instant before it disappeared. I'd like to add "bug", but I'm apparently not quick enough.