Along the lines of this question and the links to others within, there is some acceptance amongst the community when it comes to paper reference requests on a specific topic.
Would questions related to good/representative journals in a given field also be on topic? In some instances, for broad fields, the answer of "What journals are good and why?" are easily determined by things like the impact factor and number of citations. But for sub-fields, there is often a different set of journals that are better representative but are harder to find in the noise of the superset field.
So would a question like "What are the highest quality journals in numerical weather/atmospheric simulation?" be on-topic? It would need to be more than just a list-of-journals question of course. Some analysis would need to be done and say "Well X is good at numerical methods, while Y is good for understanding physics and Z has papers on forecasting. In the area of hurricanes, journal A is cutting-edge..." and so on.