The truth is that the homework tag is being used for questions that are NOT homework but "Applies to questions of primarily educational value" regardless of whether it relates to school and the educational system or not.
The problem here is mainly that if you are NOT in school and DON'T have the option to ask a teacher or classmate (because you don't have a teacher or classmates because you are not in school), then what results is you will exclude a lot of answers who don't want to do others' homework thinking you are asking for homework help (which implies SCHOOL homework), when in reality you are just trying to learn.
Put another way, the "homework" tag excludes at-home diy-ers who have a physics question from getting a good answer, or in many cases from getting an answer at all, because answerers will overlook their question thinking it's related to SCHOOL homework.
The main problem here appears to be that the TAG "homework" means "educational(learning) value/purpose" but the WORD implies "educational SYSTEM (NOT necessarily for the purpose of learning)" which is completely different.
I think it all comes down to specificity. There should be two tags, or synonym tags, that include specificity.
where both are synonyms of the homework
but only school-homework
actually means the homework
tag, because to anyone who reads homework
, what they see in their mind is really school-homework
regardless of tag intent.
It is true, that it could be abused, but that's what we have moderators for.
It seems to me that the benefit from not excluding people from the site who could be valuable contributors is greater than the potential for abuse, which we have moderators in place to help with.
It seems to me that it will be obvious, over time, who are homework cheaters and who are honest DIY-ers. It seems to me, that someone cheating on their homework will not spend the time and effort to answer any questions or contribute anything to the site, and this pattern can be recognized rather quickly in most cases. DIY-ers with physics questions, on the other hand, are the polar opposite. By nature, these people have a desire to learn, and most people with a desire to learn have an unusually high desire to also help others.
By specifying SCHOOL-homework
, there is no doubt as to whether the question is in regards to the educational system or not. It's a matter of clarity.
Do take note that several people in this thread already have clearly said they skip over homework questions because they don't want to do other people's homework.
Essentially, by not forcing anyone just wanting to learn (who are NOT asking school homework questions) into using a prohibitive homework
tag (at least without specifying that it is NOT related to the educational system), you will not be excluding some of the most valuable potential contributors to the site.