I created a graph of tags from Stack Exchange sites (including Physics.SE), TagOverflow.
I made an interactive version of Map of 64 Tags from Physics.SE, with always up-to-date data.
Nodes represent the most popular tags, with their area being proportional to the number of questions with them.
Edges represent relation between tags. Their width is related to the number of questions with both tags, while their shade - how much more often they occur than one should expect by random chance.
Default coloring is due to community detection - automated splitting of a graph into densely connected subgraphs. Positions of the nodes are due to D3.js force layout. That is, nodes connected via an edge attract each other. The strength of such attraction depends on the strength of an edge. Plus, all nodes repeal each other at a short distance to prevent overlaps.
As Physics.SE is a (relatively) big place, it may be interesting to do conditional graphs (i.e. graphs restricted to question with a given tag), e.g. to get quantum-mechanics (TagOveflow: Physics: quantum-mechanics) or homework-and-exercises (TagOveflow: Physics: homework-and-exercises).
Code and a more detailed description is on GitHub.
You can:
- check tag grouping - i.e. for the sake of eliminating synonyms or poorly-defined tags,
- try to infer the structure of physics from Physics.SE :).
Besides looking at the graph, you can:
- get interesting information per tag (e.g. top questions and users),
- get some statistics (like average score for these tags).
I hope you enjoy it!
- are there any findings on Physics.SE tags you find insightful and would like to share?
- do you have ideas how to improve its usefulness or niceness to our community?