I just wanted to write a very similar question. It seems to be a popular sport on this site to close all questions, which come up, when one searches "Career" in the search bar and similar soft questions.
I find this highly dissatisfying for a site which supposedly is made for physics students. Students also need answers to soft questions, which they can only get from physicists in academia and industry. From people that tend to hang around on this site.
Especially career choice is probably much more important for a student than every single pure physics question he might ask on here. Dismissing this out of hand as "not answerable" or "off-topic" is not helping students, that don't want to blindly march through theit studies but make informed career choices.
The answer of @DavidZ is not really an answer to this issue. It is much more an argument along the lines "it is illegal, because it is illegal." Physics SE rules are probably not mandated by god himself.
I argue that we need to be more inclusive to this kind of questions. If the rules don't allow this, then there should be a debate about whether the rules need to be changed.