Update: In response to the positive feedback progress is now being made towards producing the first ever physics SE book. If you would like to see your own high quality answer in this book, please nominate your answer below and if there is sufficient interest I will include a section in the book with your requests.
If you are nominating your answer, please ensure both the question and answer doesn't include any images or references that may be copyright and please let me know of your nomination by 01/03/2017.
If anyone is interested in reviewing the book prior to publishing please let me know.
As you may be aware, Quora has created a physical book compiling some of the top contributions from a variety of topics.
I'm wondering if there would be any interest in publishing a similar hard-copy book compiling the top posts from Physics.SE or perhaps even have the top posts from a variety of different SE sites in the one book.
What do you guys think? Would anyone be interested in having such a book and do you think it should be for Physics only or include a variety of topics (e.g. include all science topics)?
Once we've determined the level of interest we can investigate the costs of publishing and if it is feasible.