My post here:
Book recommendation: Book on condensed matter physics focusing on numerical method in quantum system [duplicate]
How can I further improve my post so that it is not a duplicate?
My post here:
Book recommendation: Book on condensed matter physics focusing on numerical method in quantum system [duplicate]
How can I further improve my post so that it is not a duplicate?
Thanks for asking. But in this case, I don't believe there is any way to change your question such that it is not a duplicate, without making it an entirely different question.
Resource recommendations are treated somewhat specially, and one of the ways that they are treated specially is that the rules for what constitutes a duplicate are broader than normal questions. In particular, a recommendation question which shares its general topic and general level with another one is considered a duplicate. In your case, your question's general topic is condensed matter physics and its level is what we might call intermediate. There is already a recommendation question seeking intermediate-level condensed matter books. Yours is therefore a duplicate of that question.
What you could do is ask the actual conceptual question you would hope to answer by reading the books. That would presumably be a fine question for this site.