Would it be convenient to include an automatically generated comment when voting to close a question as homework-like? The way things are set up now, if I see a question that runs afoul the homework-like policy, I just cast a downvote. Some people less lazy than me put a comment that looks like
Welcome to Physics Stack Exchange! Please note that Physics.StackExchange is not a homework help site. Please see this Meta post on asking homework questions and this Meta post for “check my work” problems.
I think this is helpful because it indicates to the asker what is wrong with his question, where an indication that he has one close vote for an unknown reason does not communicate such information.
I think automating the comment process would make comment easier for people who already do it, and would get more people like me who aren't doing to do it more, which would be a good thing.
Now as far as the implementation, the comment could be completely automatic, or the closer could be prompted with a text box so they can confirm or modify the comment. If the comment is completely automatic, maybe its author should be the wiki user instead of the closer, but this is a detail.
Anyway, do we think any feature like this would be useful? Note that I am not asking if the physics.se mods can implement this feature. There may need to be upstream changes, but I figure the first step would be to would be to see if anyone even wants this.
Note this seems not totally out of the question because similar functionality already exists for voting to close as duplicate and voting to close for an "other" reason.