I want to tackle an teensy tiny bit of the homework debate: How many people set the homework tag on their ignore list as a way to improve their experience of the site?
This is one of the arguments for keeping the tag around, but there's not much to go on regarding how important this mechanism is, and the latest go-round of the discussion includes suggestions that it should be removed, which on some counts wouldn't be a bad idea.
So: there's two answers below; vote on the one that describes you.
If you do have the tag on ignore, I would also like to ask that you disable that for a bit and see how the site feels without it, and add an answer here with your experience. If it turns out that there's a nontrivial fraction of high-value answerers that would find the site much less interesting if the tag were eliminated, then that's an important data point. On the flipside, if there is a population of users that actively looks for homework-tagged questions to answer, then that is also important to know.
Oh, and it should go without saying, but it's worth spelling out: this is a very unscientific polling method and the results need to be taken with a grain of salt. The relative weight between the two options is obviously not very meaningful, since there's a huge default inertia on not ignoring the tag. However, I think there's a reasonable chance of filling in the data point from the paragraph above, so let's give this a go.