Linked Questions

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Why is the following question "on-hold" worthy, and how could I improve it?

Link to the question: Alternatively, where could I go in order to have ...
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2 votes
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Is it okay to ask how to find certain labs on physics stack exchange?

I am currently trying to find labs and groups that are exploring a certain topic. The background is that I'm trying to apply to grad school and looking for labs that are suitable for my interest. The ...
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Can I answer resource recommendation questions by answer them directly?

For example, question Q care about problem A and need some material about problem A. Can I answer the question by solving problem A directly?
jw_'s user avatar
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Is a question about calculators in SI format according to "what topics can I ask about here"?

I put the following question (10k-only link) and immediately received down-vote, thus, deleted it. Could be question is off-topic, could be someone is happy trigger of down-votes. Yes, I known is a ...
pasaba por aqui's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I ask for specific books recommendations? using the [resource-recommendations] tag

I researched some question about book recommendations and I found a lot of books on Google Search, and here in the book recommendation question was closed because it is a broad question, ...
rubengavidia0x's user avatar
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Applying resource-recommendation/link-only policies

In principle, questions tagged resource-recommendation that do little more than provide a link should be deleted like any other (almost) link-only answer, but is it really so? If we look at most ...
stafusa's user avatar
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Should posts targetted at different complexity levels be marked as duplicate?

The question "What books an undergraduate needs to study to get a clear conception of rotational physics?" has been marked as a duplicate of "What are some good books for learning the concepts of ...
Abhijeet Melkani's user avatar
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What mechanism determines what is featured in the Community Bulltin on the main page?

What mechanism determines which meta posts or blog articles are featured in the Community Bulltin on the main page? Concerning blog articles, I would guess that the newest ones are featured. But ...
Dilaton's user avatar
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linking answers: suppose several questions have essentially the same answer?

Is there a way to link an answer from question 1, say, to question 2 if answer 1 works or enhances all or part of question 2? I see many questions that have essentially the same answer.
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17 votes
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FAQ for Physics Stack Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions This thread is an index of Frequently Asked Questions, and other resources, for Physics Stack Exchange. General questions about Stack Exchange For general questions about ...
5 votes
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Resource recomendation - very specific topic?

Let us say that I want source of information that gives worked examples for a very specific topic (let us call it X). I have access to a (pretty good) library and have searched both this and the world ...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
4 votes
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Dealing with level of resources in requests

One of the things that bother me the most about book* recommendation requests is the endless stream of similar requests that can spout around any specific topic, for all the different possible reader ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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Help with book suggestions [duplicate]

If I am to ask for book suggestions on a certain topic, where should I ask? Should I ask on Physics Stack Exchange? If so, what tag should I use?
HERO's user avatar
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Is it ok to ask for recommendations? [duplicate]

Generally, it is frowned upon on StackExchange to ask for recommendations, unless the site is specifically for that purpose. Here on Physics, is it ok to ask for recommendations (e.g. for books that ...
mbmast's user avatar
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Can we ask about book for studying? [duplicate]

I'm starting to study a new topic (spinors) and I don't know where I can study it, is it possible to ask for studying material?
SimoBartz's user avatar
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