Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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4 votes
1 answer

What the Heck is going On in Physics SE?

I know that there are a good number of questions that come through that are clearly off topic, e.g., "here do my homework please..." However, as of late, questions are being rapidly closed ...
Albertus Magnus's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is this question unclear? What details should it have added to make it clear?

I noticed this question which seemed like an honest good faith question (although the asker is clearly not yet competent with using LaTeX). They clearly state how their mental models work, and it’s ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is "needs details or clarity" too subjective to be a useful closing criterion?

I have noticed that some questions that are closed with the "needs details or clarity" tag are in fact perfectly clear and specific questions, often with simple and straightforward answers. ...
gandalf61's user avatar
  • 53.1k
1 vote
0 answers

What is the difference between homework-like questions/check-my-work questions and a normal question?

Yesterday, while I was trying to solve a Schrödinger equation with a specific type, I came across with this question. Then I thought that if I ask a similar question for a different potential and add ...
Lady Be Good's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should questions with obvious answers on the web be closed?

I am referring to those questions whose answers can be found easily by googling the question. For eg: This question. I feel like such questions show very little research effort and should be closed ...
khaxan's user avatar
  • 751
3 votes
1 answer

Isn't convention tag meant to allow discussion on opinions?

I recently asked this question which got closed because its answer was based on opinions. But that was exactly the point of my question, and hence the usage of tag of "convention". So I am ...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is my question off-topic?

The question doesn't involve the application of any physical principles to the design or manufacture of any real-world product, nor does it involve any consideration for practical utility*, costs, ...
R. Burton's user avatar
  • 657
3 votes
2 answers

Question closed as homework-like even though it clearly isn't

My question: If an observer at the middle of a spaceship shines laser in both directions and the ship changes on contact with laser, what will earth observer see? was closed as homework-like. It's a ...
user9343456's user avatar
  • 1,212
2 votes
0 answers

What is wrong with this question?

I ask you to reopen my question which has nothing to do with an alleged homework: A problem involving adiabatic expansion of ideal gas or at least explain what is wrong with it.
drer's user avatar
  • 296
0 votes
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How do we deal with interdisciplinary questions?

As the borders between various disciplines are slowly vanishing with the advent of interdisciplinary areas like Biophysics, Environmental and climate studies, and Complex systems, how do we deal with ...
AlphaLife's user avatar
  • 11.9k
1 vote
0 answers

Should we flag a duplicate question if it has more engagements comparing the original post?

Look at this question: Does the universe have a center?. (original, unpopular) Now, look at this one: Did the Big Bang happen at a point?. (duplicate, famous) If you notice, the duplicate post has a ...
Rohan Bari's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Why are all questions given a tag homework and exercise and then closed?

Recently, I wrote a question (you can see here). Which doesn't involve finding the value of an expression, nor a difficult calculation. The first thing: This should not be considered a "homework ...
Chesx's user avatar
  • 242
3 votes
0 answers

Reopening old closed questions

My question is motivated by this related post, which questions the practices for closing [homework-and-exercises] questions. My own question is about older posts that remain closed and about the ...
Themis's user avatar
  • 5,861
12 votes
3 answers

Some doubts about the coherence between rules and practice

Observing the behavior of many community members about closing votes, I feel more and more doubtful about the coherence between the rules written in the help center and the practice. The last example ...
GiorgioP-DoomsdayClockIsAt-90's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Question about the underlying concepts that will validate the existing answers

Courtesy link: That question above was closed as needing more focus after the question already had an answer. I had to edit the question so that ...
Arunabh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why was this considered a 'bad question'?

Yesterday, I asked a question about capacitors. It was closed under the "homework-and-exercises" tag and my submit-to-review appeal was rejected. I'm not coming here to complain, I'm just ...
FShrike's user avatar
  • 221
3 votes
1 answer

Can a question be closed if it exists on another Stack Exchange site?

Can a question be closed or called a duplicate if it has already been asked with or without answers on another Stack Exchange site? Since many topics of physics and biology tend to intersect with ...
Aurelius's user avatar
  • 219
2 votes
1 answer

Are questions about specific mechanical systems off-topic?

I recently posted the following question about a mechanical system described in an exercise: Acceleration of masses connected by a leaning pole I am emphatically not looking for someone to check my ...
D Ford's user avatar
  • 183
17 votes
1 answer

Fusion related questions almost always closed as "opinion-based"

I don't drop into this sub too often because my interest is mostly in fusion as a power source, and questions on the topic typically come up about every month or so. By the time I see them, questions ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Stop closing questions that are considered "homework type" [duplicate]

I recently posted a question What will be the final temperature in this case? Which contained information about a thermodynamical process and asked to calculate work done. The question was tagged &...
Leibniz-Z's user avatar
  • 165
4 votes
1 answer

How should we handle "multidisciplinary" questions with subparts that are appropriate for different SE networks?

This question was closed as "not suitable for" Physics SE. Based on the comments, the voters seemed to think that it belongs to Biology SE instead. I don't understand this reasoning. ...
tparker's user avatar
  • 47.5k
-2 votes
1 answer

Why my question is still closed as "homework like" or "check my work" even I asked for the concept?

I asked a question Is the average position for the ground state of a 1D simple harmonic oscillator zero?. I asked why the average position of the ground state of a simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) is ...
IvanaGyro's user avatar
  • 267
0 votes
5 answers

Allowing mathematical and homework questions on this site

I'm about to complete my four-year physics degree and want to write briefly on the topic of this site. I've spent a lot of time on the physics Stack Exchange site (not on this account) and believe, ...
Again's user avatar
  • 45
0 votes
1 answer

Embarrassing migration

This question has been migrated to Mathematics SE (MSE) a few minutes ago. I find it embarrassing since the question is clearly ill-posed both from the mathematical point of view (how the relation ...
GiorgioP-DoomsdayClockIsAt-90's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Why is there a homework tag if the posts keep getting closed?

Almost every time I ask for a specific concept using an example in a book, my post keeps getting closed. I didn't want for an answer to the specific problem or get my answer checked, but only to ...
happypaticle's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Too much closing (for missing "concepts")?

This is my $3^{rd}$ question being closed. I don't know what "concepts" are any more! The basic concepts are available just about on any site and if one is not good at them then they should ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Banned because 1 question was considered not mainstream?

The only indication that I got was that someone considered this not to be mainstream physics. They don't explain why or what I could edit to improve my post. Furthermore, this is a legitimate physics ...
Asklepian's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why did you close my question? the link does not answer it

Could the particles of the standard model be states of a smaller set of particles?
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I make my question on-topic?

I posted the following question several hours ago: Electric field inside sphere - Griffiths Problem 2.14. In doing so, I showed my attempt in detail and provided my thought process behind it. Within ...
Kman3's user avatar
  • 137
14 votes
0 answers

How is this question "about engineering"?

Why was this question Why is the ground warm during winter and vice-versa? deemed to be "about engineering" and closed, when the OP clearly stated he was not asking about how to employ the ...
Peltio's user avatar
  • 726
3 votes
2 answers

Is it worth adding a button for migrating for History of Science and Mathematics in the close reasons?

With some frequency I stumble across posts that, while interesting, are asking something about the History of Physics rather than Physics itself. As a consequence, with the same frequency I find ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why was this question closed and downvoted with no comments?

Referring to the question here: What does $|λ,μ\rangle$ mean in Dirac notation? Recently I've noticed a lot of questions closed or downvoted when the answer is obvious to someone who already knows the ...
doublefelix's user avatar
  • 6,882
3 votes
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Why was q721019 closed?

If you know what Poiseuille's equation is then Physiology question about velocity and radius is perfectly clear and a straightforward answer solves the questioner's conceptual difficulty. Yet the ...
gandalf61's user avatar
  • 53.1k
3 votes
1 answer

Why was this question closed that was really active?

I know there are already policies, but I'm asking specifically about the situation I'm providing here. I asked this question: How can quantum tunneling happen conceptually? and there were a lot of ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Question closed due to homework policy?

My post Is there a steady state for two conductors at different temperatures connected to a battery? was closed under homework policy. Nevertheless it is clear that is not a homework. How do I reopen ...
Mauricio's user avatar
  • 5,436
1 vote
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Why was my question immediately closed?

Today I questioned the claim that "SR is way easier and more beautiful to understand with tensors". I think that knowing about vector spaces, their duals and bilinear forms (i.e. bilinear ...
Filippo's user avatar
  • 1,781
0 votes
2 answers

Why is this question closed? I am finding no satisfactory answers from the personal comment

I have a question about my Physics Stack Exchange post: Can time dilation be used to prove that relativistic mass does not really increase at speeds near $c$?
Atri De's user avatar
  • 13
5 votes
3 answers

I need to get a better idea about essential mathematical prerequisites for GR from a book. How can I improve the question?

In reference to my question here: What would be essential math topics to read for general relativity (from a particular book)? I'm reading a book and wanted to get a clear understanding on what topics ...
Shirish Kulhari's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why was this answer deleted?

My answer to a question was deleted under homework policy. The question didn't seem like homework. It was a genuine doubt why the user was getting a wildly different answer than the solution.
Whiskeyjack's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why close an answered question when both answer and question have positive vote counts?

Especially when a user cannot delete their own question.
Jason's user avatar
  • 629
4 votes
1 answer

Why was this vector calculus question closed?

I just came across this question, which was closed under the site's homework policy. However, I fail to see how it is related to a specific calculation or is "check-my-work-like". While it ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Measurement of mass increase doesn't concern physics. Really?

This question has been closed: How was mass increase measured? because: I’m voting to close this question because it concerns the history of physics – Bob D and then: Closed. This question is off-...
user157860's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do I see the reason a question was closed?

I often see "question has been closed" sometimes stating "off topic" with no other rationale. It says potential improvements should "address reasons for closure," but I'...
RC_23's user avatar
  • 9,121
2 votes
2 answers

Why was this question down voted and closed as non-mainstream?

The question Are the following claims flaws in Relativity? was closed for not being mainstream physics, and it received a number of down votes. Now, I haven't studied SR past brief coverings in my ...
BioPhysicist's user avatar
  • 56.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Inapproriate content to title

Recently this old question came to my notice because of a downvote: Do magnets redshift light? The content of the question is all about a hypothetical experiment full of unphysical hypotheseis: ...
anna v's user avatar
  • 234k
6 votes
1 answer

Why was my question closed for not being focused when it actually was?

I asked a question a few days ago. It got closed for needing to be “more focused.” According to the site guidelines , in the Needs more focus part, it says: This can often be fixed by breaking the ...
alejnavab's user avatar
  • 344
-7 votes
3 answers

Are future physics discoveries properly categorized as mainstream or not? [closed]

"Non-mainstream" physics is often equated to fallacies and fringe theories, including on this forum. Mainstream physics is rigorously categorized in specific historical scientific contexts, ...
wave's user avatar
  • 63
11 votes
1 answer

Why was this entanglement-harvesting question closed as off-topic?

I just noticed that the question What happens to the vacuum when entanglement is harvested? was closed as off-topic a couple of months ago, and I don't understand why. The topic is basic quantum ...
Chiral Anomaly's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Careless mistakes in formulas shouldn't be treated the same as non-mainstream physics

In this question, What is the Schrödinger equation in position velocity space? I originally made a careless mistake when writing the Schrödinger equation in velocity space, as I had originally ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Please reopen my question about a physical limit

I asked this question about what it is (if anything) that provides and upper limit to the speed of a turbine in a fluid stream: Maximum rotation rate of a turbine in a fluid with a given speed It was ...
diwhyyyyy's user avatar
  • 111