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-7 votes
1 answer

Why is non-English content apparently allowed on this website?

On one of the posts in the main Q&A site, there is a comment which is written in a foreign language, certainly not in English: Per the network's global policies, having language-specific sites as ...
user402514's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of “bc” in physics stack exchange?

That’s all. This might sound stupid, but that’s it. I got a comment on one of my questions. It read: Is your problem with the result or the Mathematical formalism? Bc you can easily show that the ...
SK-the-Learner's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Languages of references

I understand that Physics Stack Exchange "is an English language site", but I'm wondering whether it's acceptable to provide a generic reference (such as a link) to a source, written in a ...
Edouard's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is it valid to ask for a brief translation for a paper in a foreign language?

I have been deterred to ask for a brief translation of an old physics Russian paper in the stack. Is it valid to ask such a question according to the policies of the site? If not, could it be worth to ...
user2820579's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can a user participate on Physics Stack exchange properly if the user have some problems with English Language

We all know users on our PSE come from all parts of the world and it seems obvious that if someone is using the internet he/she must be writing and understanding English properly. But in some ...
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't there be a language translation technique on the physics Stack Exchange site?

As we know that the physics Stack Exchange site is an international website, there must be a language translation technique for non-English speakers as they face problems to express them freely.
Shreyansh Pathak's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Please use gender neutral language

In the wake of a recent unfruitful discussion I feel it is necessary for the community to come to an agreement on what kind of language we want to use here. In particular, on whether we want to ...
AccidentalFourierTransform's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Asking and answering questions in another language than English

I will start by referring to a question on MSE (Math Stack Exchange) (this) and an answer on Physics Stack Exchange Meta (this). Let me cite the questioner on MSE: Imagine I want to ask an extremely ...
Andreas's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

When can non-English be used on this site?

Suppose a number of users from Russia, for example, decided to create a room discussing Russian physics and physicists, and they decided to converse in the Russian language. This would unintentionally ...
Larry Harson's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

The proper use of articles (a/the) with physical concepts

I'm not a native speaker and I have this question for some time now. What articles and when should be placed with physical and mathematical concepts? General Rules? a/the force a/the manifold a/the ...
Yrogirg's user avatar
  • 2,619
11 votes
9 answers

Discouraging the use of personal attacks and epithets such as "crackpot"

While some have noticed an apparent increase in the "noise-to-signal" ratio on this site, what concerns me is the rise in the "incivility-to-civility" ratio. Let us be clear about one thing - the ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Do we have a language policy?

I'm looking at What is the temperature of the surface and core of a neutron star formed 12 billion years ago now equal to?: part of the question was asked in Russian, which is the first time I can ...
David Z's user avatar
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