Questions tagged [notifications]

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Notifications about chat room messages

To get someone notified about my message, should I use @reply syntax in chat rooms? Who will get notifications when I send a message to a chat room without ...
ACB's user avatar
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If I make edits to a bountied question, do people who have answered get notified of it?

I have asked a question and put a bounty on it. Looking at the 2-3 answers, it seems there might be a bit of confusion about what exactly I am looking for in the answer. If I add an edit to my ...
silverrahul's user avatar
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Notifications for comments under answers

Alice posts a question. Bob posts an answer. I want to comment on Bob's answer, and I want both Alice and Bob to be notified of the comment. Therefore I type something like "@Alice: As @Bob said......
WillO's user avatar
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"Favorite Question" badge awarded multi times

As you can see, every time somebody favorites a question, which is already favorited by at least 25 users, it appears that(although actually it's not) an extra "Favorite Question" badge is awarded to ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Getting notifications for other peoples questions?

I recently put a bounty on this question Kinetic theory derivation of viscosity of a gas which is not my own. As such, at the moment to check if someone has answered it I am having to physically go ...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
8 votes
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Not notified of new edits on meta.physics.SE

I recently asked this question on, and one hour later, the question was edited, but I wasn't notified of the edit. On other sites, I'm notified when an edit is made to ...
Amal Murali's user avatar
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User feed and Question feed

Do we have User feed and Question feed by emails notification? If we do not, can we promote to have these features? PS. It is NOT asking about off-site service. What I wonder is whether there is an ...
wonderich's user avatar
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