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7 votes
1 answer

Users > Voters on Meta Page: I cannot be the only one voting this month!

I just noticed something extremely strange: on my end, I appear to be the only person that has voted on any Physices.SE Meta Posts this entire month. I'll post a screenshot since this is unbelievable ...
Hokon's user avatar
  • 293
1 vote
1 answer

Meta question displays differently in Home and Questions

On the Home page of Physics Meta, the question “Why can I still no longer ask questions?” is attributed to user250478, but on the Questions page it is attributed to a user who uses his name. Why do ...
Ghoster's user avatar
  • 837
3 votes
1 answer

Upvote not reflecting in reputation points?

So I asked a question and got an upvote on it but it's not reflecting in my reputation. Why is that? Is it a bug?
More Anonymous's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does it show "Queue has been cleared" every time I check 3 questions?

I recently got the Review Questions privilege, so I know very little stuff about how to review questions. I was recently reviewing some questions, but after checking 3 questions, it said "This ...
Ishaan Manish's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why did I get 20 reputation without any upvote or bookmark?

I had got 20 reputation for this question. But, I wonder how I got reputation from that question because, that question claims that no one had upvoted neither downvoted. Even, no one had bookmarked it....
user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Question appearing blurred (less visible). Any explanation?

Please, find a screenshot of my PhysSE homepage. Is there any explanation why that question would appear semi-visible?
DanielC's user avatar
  • 4,343
3 votes
1 answer

Unable to add the [classical-electrodynamics] tag

Resource reference for Induction due to Time Varying Magnetic Fields (TVMF) I asked this question 5 minutes before posting it here. I have tried to add the tag classical-electrodynamics but it just ...
Dorothea's user avatar
  • 180
4 votes
1 answer

How do tags get associated badges?

I have a general question about how topic tags become associated with a vote-based badge. For instance, if I receive 100 upvotes on answers for at least 20 non-community wiki answers with the ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Stop killing suggested edits in the name of "conflicted with a subsequent edit"

I saw this and thought to edit it by adding a blockquote, do some MathJax formatting and editing tags. And so I devoted 7 minutes (on a mobile device), trying to make StackExchange a better place. And ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

My quarter reputation is more than my total reputation!

What is this? Is this some sort of wizardry? Or is the server bad at counting? Jokes apart! Why is my quarter rep more than my total rep?
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Downvoting costs one reputation point

Today I downvoted an answer and flagged it, too. Now I get negative scores. Presumably, because I wrote a comment on a bad answer, which is downvoted by others too. Although, I do not care too much ...
Semoi's user avatar
  • 8,754
4 votes
1 answer

Strange account suspension date

I happened to notice an account (link removed) shown as suspended until the nonsensical date of “Mar 18 '92 at 16:28“? I am not asking why the account is suspended, but why the “until” date is 27 ...
G. Smith's user avatar
  • 51.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Why it doesn't show correctly when someone was online?

Whenever I click on Anyone's profile to check if available(online) or even my profile,it doesn't show correctly. When I click on my profile it should show online, but it just show last seen a random ...
user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why is the 'physics' tag not allowed?

Why is the 'physics' tag not allowed? Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: The 'physics' tag is not allowed. Creating the new tag 'physics' requires at least 1000 reputation. Try ...
OkaIki's user avatar
  • 79
3 votes
0 answers

Reputation not adding up? [duplicate]

According to the achievements tab as of right now I have gained 20 points and lost 2, yet my reputation on physics stackexchange shows as 19 and here it shows as 21. Is this a glitch? EDIT: after I ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Differences in displayed order of answers

The order of display of answers to my question (and completeness of that record) is different when I (1) click on the question or (2) reload the page via the browser "Reload current page" icon. (Note ...
Jeroboam Bramblejam's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A greyed answer

I recently came across Solving the problem. Although the user who posted a completely off topic post about cooking, which garnered 6 down-votes in 5 seconds has removed it. However, I noticed that ...
QuIcKmAtHs's user avatar
  • 3,745
0 votes
1 answer

Chat does not support LaTeX input

The chat does not show LaTeX, not even in the comments which were moved to chat and had working LaTeX in the comments section.
allo's user avatar
  • 125
3 votes
1 answer

Unanswered question tab

Unanswered question have answers in . Is it a bug or unaccepted answers also show up in this section?
Fawad's user avatar
  • 313
3 votes
1 answer

Is there some kind of bug preventing me from receiving the "Curious" badge?

According to this I have 17/5 for the Curious badge. So I have effectively 'earned' this badge more than 3 times over. So why haven't I received it yet? I have maintained a positive question record so ...
BLAZE's user avatar
  • 2,460
3 votes
1 answer

Why can't I set a bounty on my question that I've answered myself?

My reputation is 76 and therefore I'm eligible for setting bounties, I can set a bounty for eligible questions and even on my own previous eligible questions, but when I want to set a bounty on my own ...
S.Shahsiah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mistaken block on asking questions

The site says we are no longer accepting questions from this account when I try to submit a question in physics section. I don't even have a bad reputation. All I asked was one single question which ...
Zlatan's user avatar
  • 174
1 vote
1 answer

Why don't close-vote counts agree with the number of close votes on review pages?

The process of closure of this question of mine has been started. As you can see in the figure below, the number of close votes is 3. (the picture has been taken at 18, July, 2016, 06:00 UTC) But ...
lucas's user avatar
  • 3,161
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't a question be deleted with answers which are not upvoted or accepted?

If you want to delete a question with an answer, you have an option to delete that question. But when you have made that option to delete the question it seems not possible. Is that a mistake of this ...
Marijn 's user avatar
  • 3,332
2 votes
1 answer

Why is my question not appearing in the unanswered questions list?

I recently asked this question on Physics SE: Is there an underlying physical reason why the Coriolis force is similar to the magnetic component of the Lorentz force? Although I didn't accept any of ...
dahemar's user avatar
  • 2,413
2 votes
1 answer

Bug in closing as duplicate?

If you have a gold badge in a tag then you can immediately close as a duplicate any question that has that tag. So for example I have a gold badge in [general-relativity] and [newtonian-mechanics] and ...
John Rennie's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Bug in the daily rep limit code?

Earlier today I downvoted an answer, then after the OP had edited it I retracted my downvote. In between I had hit the daily rep limit of 215 (including one accept) and now after retracting my ...
John Rennie's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Message incorrectly claims I need 10 reputation points to answer, when I already have 10 points [duplicate]

I recently wanted to post an answer to this question: Is it possible to build a thermoelectric nuclear power plant? However, at the bottom of the page, I saw the following notice: Thank you for ...
quant's user avatar
  • 252
2 votes
1 answer

New image dropper is not working

The new imgur-based image dropper is not working. The image URL works (, but the embedded link does not. See my post: Advantages of a deadblow hammer?
Ambrose Swasey's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is question-migration limited?

When a question is asked on the wrong site, it can be migrated to another site via the flagging function. Why is this migration limited to only a few sites? It should rather be a list of all sites to ...
Steeven's user avatar
  • 51k
14 votes
3 answers

What the hell, I just lost 582 reputation points

What the...? Users removed? Seriously thinking of quitting this site for good (well, not really).
ProfRob's user avatar
  • 131k
3 votes
1 answer

I'm a time traveller! You are too!

I've just earned the Solstice hat! Huzzah! And I see that several others have earned it as well. Now as far as I know from reading its requirement, that hat is earned by posting a comment on 12/21. ...
Jim's user avatar
  • 24.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Old-ish first post showed up in review queue

I was just checking the First Posts review queue, and I found this post: Strange that it should be there, given that it's ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes
3 answers

After Down Vote, my reputation gets less

Why is that when I down vote a post then 2 of my reputation gets deducted?
Sushant23's user avatar
  • 659
20 votes
1 answer

The site toolbar looks broken in Chrome. How can I fix it?

Since earlier this month, the main toolbar of the site (with links to Questions, Tags, Users, Badges, Unanswered and Ask Question) has changed, distinctly for the worse: The font looks blocky and ...
John Rennie's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is Luboš Motl's reputation stuck at 99,996?

I up-voted a Luboš Motl answer and thought I might be the first to humbly see his score the first to tick over past 100K. But it seems to be stuck on 99,996. Is there a reason for this? Maybe the ...
John McAndrew's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Odd rep cap behavior?

Noticed a bit of strange behavior around the rep cap yesterday. I had an answer to a hot network question that got a bunch of upvotes, so I hit the cap [+200], then some more upvotes [still +200], ...
Kyle Oman's user avatar
  • 18.4k
3 votes
1 answer

How long the pregnancy to produce a "Curious" badge?

I just got the following achievement: You've earned the "Curious" badge (Asked a good question on 5 separate days, and maintains a positive question record.). It is indeed curious, and I am ...
babou's user avatar
  • 3,798
8 votes
1 answer

The change to the taskbar is massively annoying

I mean this change: Specifically the number in the orange square, which is related in some vague to the number of posts that have needed review in the last day or so. When it shows "20" this implies ...
John Rennie's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I vote to migrate this question?

I was thinking of migrating this question: But the migrate option doesn't appear. Is this a bug?
jinawee's user avatar
  • 12.4k
1 vote
1 answer

Reputation display

I just got an announcement that by getting 2000 rep, I can edit questions and answers without review. The title bar shows my rep as 1990. I clicked on my icon in the title bar to see if that would ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to edit a question if you've already approved someone else's edit?

The following thing has happened to me a couple of times recently: I come across a question that looks good but has a few minor errors. Someone has suggested an edit which address some of them, so I ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
  • 34k
2 votes
1 answer

Suggested edits on meta?

When I check this page, it says that there' is a suggested edit queue. But aren't suggested edits disallowed on meta? Where did this come from? Is it outdated?.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Disappearing comments

I noticed some of my comments disappearing without me triggering this (at least not that I am aware of). Example: placed a comment in reaction to this question. It's now gone. Anyone an idea what is ...
Johannes's user avatar
  • 19k
-2 votes
1 answer

Bug with voting up and then down

I voted post up it became +3 then i changed my mind and decided to remove my vote -- it became 1. Please fix it. Thanks.
Asphir Dom's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

No *reputation* from upvotes - is this a bug?

I recently answered a question with a bounty Floating a ping pong ball in the air just using a pen!, received 4 upvotes, and was awarded the bounty; I got +150 karma from the bounty as usual, but have ...
Chay Paterson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can I get my answer undeleted

I do not know how I am supposed to do this. According to the help system,How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for ...
babou's user avatar
  • 3,798
0 votes
2 answers

why aren't the points added up

I have 33 points in physics SE. Not much but enough to make upvotes. I recently had a question on chemistry SE. What I found that Points don't add up between the two sites so I can't upvote. But as ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 521
-5 votes
1 answer

Germanic use of hyphens

Is there any way to get rid of the hyphens in the tags? If it is impossible to have spaces, could we not at least have the traditional underscores? This use of hyphens is a violation of modern English ...
joseph f. johnson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Deleting an upvoted comment

I'm trying to flag a comment for removal on my answer to this question. The comment (made by Anna V) is obsolete, because I successfully managed to flag the other comments on the thread (the thread ...
Kitchi's user avatar
  • 3,709