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6 votes
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This is not a duplicate

I have a question about my Physics Stack Exchange post: If antiparticles are particles moving back in time, would messages from the future be possible? It was marked a duplicate of Is anti-matter ...
user404's user avatar
  • 33
6 votes
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A question erroneously labeled as duplicate

A question was submitted by user929304 titled: Balance of a spinning coin This question is about the case of rolling motion, as in, for instance, rolling down an incline. So you see a coin rolling ...
Cleonis's user avatar
  • 22.5k
8 votes
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Wrongly marked as duplicate

This question that was wrongly marked as duplicate (has been reopened since) to this question . The marked one asks "How can the unstable particles of the standard model be considered particles in ...
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k