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Questions tagged [style]

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2 votes
2 answers

Do we need standard guidelines for MathJax editing, in order to reduce superfluous editing?

I notice quite often that: Edit proposals that are meant to improve MathJax typesetting, appear borderline with regards to being superfluous/helpful to the post Some edit reviewers do a fair amount ...
Amit's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Should proper English matter?

Some members do not proofread what they have written, some are used to informal communication channels, and some are not native English speakers. The result is that posts frequently have incorrect ...
G. Smith's user avatar
  • 52.2k
3 votes
0 answers

Wide Chrome (>2406 px) breaks horizontal alignment

Not sure if this is related to this, but there's yet another formatting problem in Chrome. I'm seldom one to argue for doing it so it works vs. doing it right, but there needs to be some pragmatism: ...
Nick T's user avatar
  • 851
1 vote
0 answers

Nav buttons (Questions, Tags, Users...) styling seems screwed up [duplicate]

The styling on my navbar buttons is a bit off. The font is a bit strange and the highlighted area overlaps the sort-by tabs. Mucking around in the DOM/Style inspector, if I uncheck the ...
Nick T's user avatar
  • 851