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Questions tagged [user-accounts]

3 questions from the last 365 days
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Why am I not able to go this user's profile via a comment they posted?

While I was going through this question, I noticed a comment by the OP where the username was black in colour instead of the usual turquoise. I tried visiting the user's profile page by clicking on it,...
Rϵlaτινιτy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

I have ended up with two accounts on the Physics Stack Exchange. Can they be merged?

I created two accounts by accident, but would prefer to have only one.
John Hobson's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a reputation limit from creating accounts on other stack exchange sites?

I just made a account on chemistry stack exchange and I got rewarded 100 reputation points on both sites because I was a well reputed member of the physics stack exchange community. And there are 170+ ...
Dev Not Taken's user avatar