As the proposal is brand new it is hard to be sure, but my first inclination is to guess that everything (or at least very nearly everything) that is on-topic for the proposal will also be on-topic for Physics.SE.

Certainly the two examples with one vote each 

* Will photoresist <X> work in process <Y>, and if not why? *(on-topic)*
* What is your favorite way to bake a vacuum chamber? *(not a great example)*

seem to in keeping with our practice on Physics.SE.

I will try to provide examples of several classes of experimental technique and applied physics questions from Physics.SE (and trying to select those that would be interesting to grad students and those further on in their careers in keeping with the proposal).

The Jargon (not generally discussed with undergrads)
* [What's the difference between inclusive and exclusive decays?][1]

Instrumentation, calibration, and technique
* [How 'pure' is liquid nitrogen?][2] (unanswered, however)
* [Fairly Broad Spectrum Light Source Options][3]
* [Do high/low pass lenses exist?][4]
* [What properties of Germanium make it suitable for Dark Matter detectors?][5]

Data analysis & Computation
* [How small of a depletion signal can the best modern mass spectrometers detect?][6] (might have gone in instrumentation as well but the answers dwell on the statistics of the measurement; only partially answered)
* [Efficiency of Metropolis algorithm][7]

Collaboration skills and Culture
* [How to communicate institutional knowledge in a big physics collaboration?][8]
* [Are the results from models considered “data”?][9]
* [Publication Authorship Credits][10]

Physics Education at the Graduate Level and Up
* [Starting a physics Ph.D. at 60?][11]
* [Is it possible to restart formal higher education in physics at a later age?][12]

Frankly there is not as much there as I (an experimenter, after all) would have hoped, but I claim that we are welcoming of these matters.


I won't guess at [akeshet][13]'s motive for opening a new proposal (I fear that he dropped by during one of our outbreaks of pop-sci-quantum-philosophers), but I think the questions he envisions would be welcome here and that we have some expertise in these matters already on-baord.
