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16 votes

Open justice v secret police

I volunteer at the county jail on Saturday mornings. In the jurisdiction I live in, trials are generally open to the public, there are detailed records of the proceedings and, critically, it's easy to ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
15 votes

Editing my own stuff get me suspended?

Well, you were suspended last time around for posting low-quality questions (which are a problem because they create work and annoyance for other members of the site) and making scores of edits that ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 101
14 votes

Account suspensions

Suspensions go to people who break the rules of the site, are warned about it, and don't stop. There is no requirement that the user does not contribute to the site in a valuable way - or in other ...
David Z's user avatar
  • 76.9k
13 votes

Open justice v secret police

I wonder whether I've been a moderator here for long enough (four months now) that I can talk about our decision-making process in aggregate, without revealing anything untoward about any particular ...
rob's user avatar
  • 92k
12 votes

Why was [user] suspended for a year?

The moderators do not discuss individual suspensions in public. I suppose this doesn't technically answer the question, but then again all I can say is that there will be no answer to this question.
David Z's user avatar
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11 votes

How is the suspension due to low quality contributions being decided?

Since the automatic question/answer limitations went into place in 2017, it has been quite rare for the moderators to issue manual suspensions for low-quality contributions. I haven't double-checked ...
rob's user avatar
  • 92k
6 votes

Open justice v secret police

Note that the current 6 Phys.SE moderators are democratically elected. All moderators have (electronically) signed a moderator agreement, which de facto implies that moderators cannot discuss specific ...
Qmechanic's user avatar
  • 209k
6 votes

Can I get a warning before I am suspended?

No. The algorithm for automatic low-quality suspensions is intentionally not public to avoid users gaming it, and manual suspensions (i.e. those issued by moderators and not the SE engine) rarely ...
ACuriousMind's user avatar
  • 127k
5 votes

Penalty time for obscene posts?

Physics SE does not have an automated system for removing offensive posts. Posts with 3 delete votes from high rep users or 6 spam or rude or abusive flags are deleted automatically. As far as the ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 17.2k
3 votes

What happened to my account on Physics Stack Exchange?

This occurred because your account was deleted on Physics.SE. If you believe this action is in error and you have not received a message from the moderators or the staff, use the Contact form to ...
tpg2114's user avatar
  • 16.7k
2 votes

Why this question was closed?

Looking at the version that was closed, you have two questions that you're asking: What is the intuition for angular momentum of a point mass relative to a inertial point? I am confused that at the ...
Kyle Kanos's user avatar
  • 28.5k
1 vote

What is the maximum limit of suspension on the 'Physics' Stack Exchange site?

Regular suspensions (issued by site moderators) usually last 7, 30 or 365 days, depending on how severe the offense was and the user's history. See A Day in the Penalty Box; this also includes some ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible