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Jeff Atwood's user avatar
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
Jeff Atwood
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
20 votes

Can we please change the design to black-on-white?

13 votes

"No math, please" questions

13 votes

Citations are the 'source code' of physics stackexchange

13 votes

Are narration and subjective opinions acceptable on Physics SE?

13 votes

Restrict the word "why" in questions

12 votes

Can voting anonymously and without comment lead to "consensus science"?

11 votes

Are salutations, sign-offs and other politese appropriate?

11 votes

Liberal definition of duplicate questions and the health of physics stack exchange.

11 votes

Are link-only answers acceptable?

10 votes

New Design Launched

10 votes

What should our site look like?

8 votes

Can we get rid of the "philosophy" tag?

8 votes

where are the rules of suspension posted?

8 votes

Is a shopping advice request off-topic in any case?

8 votes

old questions with incorrect answers

8 votes

Are moderators paid to moderate?

8 votes

Should users be cross-posting questions

7 votes

A 24 hours answering curfew on some questions?

7 votes

Is it appropriate to ask for criticism of a paper one is writing?

7 votes

Is the time scale for bounties too short on stack exchange?

6 votes

Shouldn't we make (more of) our question titles actual questions?

5 votes

Why did my asteroid question end up with -4 votes?

4 votes

Are questions about general life on topic here?

4 votes

Design for Physics-SE

4 votes

Is physics.stackexhange being punished for negative design feedback?

4 votes

Should we make an official policy out of cleaning up comments?

4 votes

How does SE decide to count user visits?

4 votes

Is there a potential market for paid answers to physics questions? If not, why?

3 votes

Posting an answer after a question is closed and migrated?

3 votes

Why can I add a bounty to already answered questions?