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Jim's user avatar
Jim's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

Bite-sizing homework

31 votes

Bite-sizing homework

31 votes

Resigning as a moderator

22 votes

Why do some people insist on one unlikely possibility?

17 votes

Why are simple questions downvoted?

14 votes

2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

13 votes

2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

13 votes

Bite-sizing homework

11 votes

After Down Vote, my reputation gets less

11 votes

Why do you need 50 reputation to comment on other posts?

11 votes

A Jim for all seasons

10 votes

Giving feedback to elaborated or useful answers

10 votes

2016 Community Moderator Election Results

10 votes

Why is there so little answering of elementary physics questions?

9 votes

Homework questions, on hold

9 votes

A Jim for all seasons

8 votes

Closing "Insufficient Effort" questions

7 votes

Replacing the homework policy 1b: what is our scope anyway?

7 votes

Should we test lowering the vote to close and reopen threshold?

7 votes

Should I delete my comments once the OP has acted accordingly?

6 votes

Minor edits should not make questions 'active'

5 votes

Can't close question with open bounty?

5 votes

Homework Questions # Treatment

5 votes

Flags mentioned as helpful, but still my remaining flags are reduced

5 votes

Why is this question considered too broad?

4 votes

Is there a way to find where I have made some comments earlier or recently?

4 votes

Examples of good homework questions

4 votes

Migrating a question to a different SE site or asking for more attention

4 votes

Misuse of custom close reasons

4 votes

How can we combat arrogance and ignorance on physics stack exchange?