(related PSE post, related VLQ review entity)
Here is a link to a VLQ answer from a new user, who may be capable later to produce high level content. Here is the site which he refers in his post (I edited the link out to avoid the selfmarketing VtD reason).
This time it seems to me not as the "I found the Holy Grail, gimme Nobel Prize now" line. It seems to be a prof emeritus, but I am not sure. So, the first thing what is not clear to me, if he really has the capability to be once a worthy contributor here.
In similar cases I would be happy to let me out from the decision by clicking "skip". Or, if the post is really LQ, then accelerate the review process by clicking as you probably wish.
The first experiences of the new users are very important, i.e. if he doesn't get a friendly welcome, he will be probably lost. And, with him, the site loses the HQ content what he could have produced. Thus, if he has a possibility to contribute HQ content, then he requires now help, and not disciplining. We can't want from a prof. emer. to handle the internet on the level as we can, but most of us can learn from him a lot.
My suggestion would be to relax a little bit and don't handle him as usual - if you see the capability in him to be once a high level content producer. Probably he won't make so many contribution to ever get a high repu, but his contribution could be worthy. Similar users in other hard science sites are existing and are being tolerated. (I replay: only if the user has the possibility to be once really HQ.)