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5 votes
1 answer

How can I fix an accidental downvote?

I recently downvoted a post by accident, but I didn't realize my mistake until some 3o minutes or so later when I noticed the downvote in my reputation log. I meant to upvote the post. Is there a way ...
Albertus Magnus's user avatar
1 vote
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Should editors share the punishment for downvotes?

I recently edited a closed question by another user, in an attempt to reopen the question. For that I had to somewhat modify the question, by removing fluff like 'please answer this' but also adding ...
peep's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Is it okay to edit a question (on the main site) to downvote it after you initially upvoted it?

On the PSE main site (so not on this site), I normally never downvote a question or answer, but sometimes you change your thought about this (after upvoting). Is it okay to edit (when I wanted to ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should a question be voted down for poor formatting or editing?

My question is, whether one should downvote a question just because he doesn't understand it or he finds the O.P's formatting or editing as poor. I will like to reason something with my example.The ...
Sikander's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I remove a downvote?

After a clarifying discussion I see that my downvote was not necessary. Do I have to wait until the post is edited and then upvote or is there another possibility?
Dilaton's user avatar
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