It appears to me that questions/answers receive votes at a rate quite positively correlated with the votes they already have (of course, this only applies for a certain period of time, I am not implying a runaway behavior by this hypothesis :P). A highly upvoted answer seems likely to receive further upvotes more quickly compared to the rate at which it received the same number of votes before it was highly upvoted. Admittedly, this is purely based on personal observation and I have no proper analysis to support the conjecture. But it does seem to fit well with my informal observation as well as intuition. It might also be that once a post gets more votes, it simply becomes more visible and that causes the accelerated upvotes but I am not sure if this is the only factor (again, I have no actual analysis).
I was wondering if it would be a good idea to keep votes invisible by default and make it so that they can be viewed only by clicking between the arrows (the way the visibility of the distribution of upvotes vs. downvotes works). This would be a safeguard against premature involuntary positive feelings towards a post and it would still be possible for everyone to access how much support each post has gotten simply by a click. Answers can still be arranged according to the vote counts, of course.
This is most certainly an SE wide thing but just wanted to float the idea first here.