Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

Merge [group-representations] with [representation-theory] [duplicate]

This is the description of the group-representations tag: Use as a synonym to the representation-theory tag So we may want to merge them together already.
Ooker's user avatar
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tag:classical-electrodynamics and tag:electromagnetism [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tag synonyms for voting We currently have three tags (and many others): electromagnetism classical-electrodynamics quantum-electrodynamics In my opinion, classical-...
Claudius's user avatar
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That tensor from GR - what do we call it?

You know the one I mean, Tμν.1 Is it the stress-energy tensor, or the energy-momentum tensor? This is for the purposes of tags, where having both is redundant. This was brought up in chat, and there ...
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4 votes
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Are there too many and/or specific tags?

Best with an example: there is a tag in the Physics Stack called "wavefunction". Is there any one who actually works on "wavefunctions"? Questions related to wavefunctions are questions about the ...
yca's user avatar
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Should we rename the teleportation tag to quantum-teleportation?

I'm pretty sure there's a formal mechanism to suggest tag synonyms but I can't find it and no one ever votes there anyway, so: should we rename teleportation to quantum-teleportation and make the ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why is the 'physics' tag not allowed?

Why is the 'physics' tag not allowed? Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: The 'physics' tag is not allowed. Creating the new tag 'physics' requires at least 1000 reputation. Try ...
OkaIki's user avatar
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Do we need the relativity tag?

Do we need the relativity tag? Most questions using it are generally because it's a popular science question and the OP doesn't know which to use or because the OP used it along with general-...
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir's user avatar
1 vote
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About synonymous tags

While asking asking a question I noticed that there are two similar tags weak-interaction and weak-interactions which leads to question for their necessity. Should any of these be deleted? If not why?
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4 votes
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Tag cleanup - pluralization

As I was casually going through the list of tags, I noticed several whose pluralization stood out as... off. It seems to me that for non-unique things (so I'm excluding sun, earth, etc.) that are not ...
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1 vote
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Should tags centripetal-force and centrifugal-force be linked?

The tags centripetal-force and centrifugal-force are currently separate tags. Should they be linked?
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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When can tags be merged or made synonym?

I have recently asked a question about the surface energy of solids when only the surface-tension tag was still available. Now there is also a surface-energy tag which is, in my opinion a more broad ...
Michiel's user avatar
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How can we suggest synonyms to tags?

I have seen that tags have synonyms of it under it's description. How can I suggest a tag synonym?
ABC's user avatar
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Tag merging: "Star: and "Stars"

It seems that star and stars are two separate tags and there's not good reason for them to be so, especially when the latter is ...
Christian Bueno's user avatar