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Questions tagged [late-answers]

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5 votes
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Ashamed of my own answer. Should I delete it?

I have been on physics stack exchange for about four years. Some of my answers I am proud of some of them not so much. There is one particular answer where I did my best at the time but I lacked the ...
Puzzled student's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Should we add more answers/comments to the original question of the duplicate?

I personally think that the whole point of creating the duplicates is to encourage users to add new answers/comments to the original question of the duplicate. But what really seems to happen is that ...
parker's user avatar
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Giving newbies time to think

Maybe it’s just me, however, there are some questions where there exist much better answers somewhere which are not the accepted one. I understand that for an answer to be accepted, it just need to "...
J. Manuel's user avatar
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Answering old questions and getting noticed

When I browse through old questions I usually find myself reading the question and maybe the top few answers. Same thing when there is an old question appearing on the front page. From what I've ...
Wolpertinger's user avatar
  • 11.7k
8 votes
1 answer

Late Answer review queue explosion?

So all of a sudden today the Late Answer review queue exploded to more than 500 posts. All that I looked at were not new, but something kicked them back in to play. As a still newish person here, ...
Jon Custer's user avatar
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2 answers

Answering old questions

Should I answer old questions (over a year), even if they have been already answered? I think that this practice is correct, but since in many forums it is discouraged I'm not sure.
jinawee's user avatar
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