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Mainstream Physics: Unconfirmed Particles

Asking regarding potential questions I might pose soon. While asking a well formulated question about tachyons in special relativity is allowed (as I did last week), I’m wondering how far that goes. I’...
Hokon's user avatar
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-9 votes
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Why is the 'Physics' Stack Exchange site closing some interesting questions?

I came to the main site for searching an interesting question about a possible universe inside atoms. Here is a list of questions: Universe inside atom Does our Universe reside in the smallest ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How does one know if his question is non-mainstream?

How can one know if his or her question is non-mainstream? Just by asking it? Or is it supposed that the one who asks knows that for him/herself?
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
3 votes
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Is new physics a bad fit for Stack Exchange?

My interest is in new physics, from the point of view of propulsion, and experiments that can confirm or disprove related new hypotheses. New physics attracts people who want to casually speculate and ...
DMac's user avatar
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Very Naive Questions

I am troubled by the comments on this question and many others like it. The (obviously very naive) questioner posits a physically impossible situation (often FTL travel as in this case, but there are ...
WillO's user avatar
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Why can't I ask hypothetical questions?

Why can't I ask hypothetical questions about situations that can't happen in the first place, if I'm interested in the resulting phenomena and/or said situation will cause?
Abdul Moiz Qureshi's user avatar
-4 votes
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When is it appropriate on Phys.SE to ask the question: What other models would explain our universe?

The experiments at LUX and Xenon500 have all but ruled out particle form of dark matter. If DM exists in our galaxy and interacts with matter, we would have seen it by now. Also, there have been ...
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