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Questions about statements in papers

I often read papers and am stuck on important statements/equations that are not satisfactorily explained to my understanding. Sometimes references are provided, but even then it's cumbersome to ...
Botond's user avatar
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4 votes
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Mainstream Physics: Unconfirmed Particles

Asking regarding potential questions I might pose soon. While asking a well formulated question about tachyons in special relativity is allowed (as I did last week), I’m wondering how far that goes. I’...
Hokon's user avatar
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How does a simple question get put hold for being unclear? I don't understand what is unclear about this question?
Muze's user avatar
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2 votes
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Engineering questions and answers that are closely related to Physics

I found an old question asked 5 years ago. How much power to keep surface of aluminum plate at given temperature?. How do I answer this in a physics kind of way? This is my original answer: By ...
Muze's user avatar
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How much mathematics is allowed to be the focus of questions? [duplicate]

Since there are mathematics and mathematical-physics tags, I was convinced that it is perfectly legitimate to ask for a mathematically rigourous proof, i.e. a methematically correct, once given the ...
Self-teaching worker's user avatar
-3 votes
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Questions being responded to negatively

I know that there are some similar questions like this one, but I have a genuine concern. For example, the question A puzzling simple question on thermodynamics or another I had deleted. Apparently ...
PSR_123's user avatar
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