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Questions tagged [status-review]

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Apparent bug in community leaderboards?

I was idly clicking around earlier and got to the community leaderboard. I saw a couple users I was familiar with and that was all well and good but then I noticed that at the top of the page, where I’...
controlgroup's user avatar
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Incorrect message when you try to Vote to Close a question that was closed and then re-opened

I noticed this a little bit ago on an older question. I clicked "vote to close", but the box that came up said, "You cannot vote to close again after retracting your vote." I ...
BioPhysicist's user avatar
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Shortened links to PSE posts generated by the "cite" feature don't seem to be added to the Linked tab (as of August 27, 2023)

I noticed something about the Linked tab mechanism that I wanted to bring to attention. In this post of mine, I linked to two physics stackexchange posts (please do ...
MaximusIdeal's user avatar
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