I am new here (and enthusiast), and I do not know if that refers to me, but I am asking anyway.
I am exploring the site: in all Q&A sites you have favourites, not posts, but users. This is very useful, you surely know: if you appreciate some subject or the way somebody replies, you are informed of the new answer , you can send them a PM , etc.
I, like every new member I suppose, have been impressed by the quality an clarity of some members: John Rennie, Lubos Motl, AnnaV, Rob Jeffries etc., usually I vote a good post, go to the profile, and explore the answers I like. I know you must vote the post and not the person, but I do not vote all posts, just the ones I like. What is wrong with that? Why should one vote one post, wait for an hour and come back to read another? That would make life very complicated, wouldn't it?
I remember that I noticed some posts scoring less than -1, which I found interesting, and I thought that it's inappropriate to humiliate a scientist and a lady with more than one negative vote. -1 would alert readers that someone disagrees and thinks you should take it with a pinch of salt, but that's all! am I wrong?
But.. I am sure that I upvoted many more posts by John Rennie than by Anna and those votes, surely double have not been reversed, so I think the program must be faulty.
I do not remember which posts I voted, and of course in a few weeks it will be absolutely impossible. I wonder what happens if by chance I should vote again a post that has been reversed.
*I am asking if it is a problem to vote (deliberately or not) again a post on which a vote has been reverses. Of course now I'll vote a post after an hour or so
*I am sorry if I was not clear or if I have been misunderstood, I'll try to express a few opinions:
- It is a pity one cannot have favorites (persons) and follow as one likes
- I do not see the reason to give a question* 16 negative votes. This is in itself an exaggeration, I think, but that becomes absurd when the answer gets 27 positive votes. So, the question was not so not-useful/stupid, after all? And if it was stupid, how stupid can a question get? A proverb tells: "the only stupid question is the one you never asked". Again, I think, and I may be wrong or you may disagree, I think that is a superfluous humiliation
- I can find an answer interesting even if, for an expert or a specialist, it has some minor or major mistake.
- The vote-reversing system is an illusion, because naive voters like me are checked, while voters in ill-faith know how to elude the program, voting after some time or I do not know when/how. I hope this is clear and that can be agreed.
- In other sites there is a list of well-defined rules, if I have overlooked it , tell me where it is , if there is not, it should be made so that newcomers can know exactly what to do
Thanks, you have been very helpful and understanding!
As it was recommended in a comment, I'll post some remarks as a separate question.