Frequently Asked Questions
This thread is an index of Frequently Asked Questions, and other resources, for Physics Stack Exchange.
General questions about Stack Exchange
For general questions about the use and customs of the Stack Exchange platform in general, see the overall FAQ,
- FAQ for Stack Exchange sites over at Meta Stack Exchange,
- as well as this site's Help Center
This glossary may also be useful.
Frequently Asked Questions about Physics Stack Exchange
Site scope
- How do I ask homework questions on Physics Stack Exchange?
- My question was closed on Phys.SE. Can you recommend me another internet site where my question might be on-topic?
- What counts as sufficient prior research when asking a question?
- Are resource recommendations allowed?
- Is non-mainstream physics appropriate for this site?
- Are engineering questions appropriate for this site?
- How should we handle how-to-find-a-specific-reference requests?
- Should any check-my-work questions be made on topic?
- Are physics-related notation and terminology questions on-topic?
General FAQ
- How do we write good question titles?
- Can I ask several related questions in a single thread?
- How can I cite a question in SE?
- Should abbreviations and acronyms be discouraged?
- How do you cite yourself?
- Is there a standard place to point people to learn how to typeset their equations?
- What is the policy for linking? E.g.: Why should we link to abstract pages rather than pdf files? How do we cite arXiv preprints?
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How can a question be added to this FAQ?
Ask only the question, stated plainly and simply, in the question body. The answer goes in an answer.
Link back to this index. Paste this at the end of the question:
[Return to FAQ index](/q/11305)
Tag as faq-proposed and support. When a post seems to have hit a mature state, it will have faq added by a moderator.
After the post has the faq tag added to it, add a link in the above table of contents.