This question is a follow-up to this question about what some of us feel is a large spike in low-level homework questions.
I propose we include a specific link to our canonical homework meta question in the How to Ask
sidebar that shows up when the cursor is on the question title box:
I propose we add the line
Not all homework questions are allowed. Please see the homework guidelines.
though a link to the FAQ could also be useful if it doesn't make it bulkier.
I understand from David Zaslavsky that the moderators do not have direct access to the sidebar, and probably we need to appeal to the Stack Exchange team for this. If so, it would be good to have a strong consensus that we do want this. (Which, based on the score of my answer to Dilaton's question, seems to be the case.)
It is definitely possible to access this sidebar: the guys at Seasoned Advice have a line like it.
(On the other hand, it just looks like they just went ahead and did it, without any indication of how.)
So: do you agree on this addition to the sidebar? More generally, can you think of useful modifications or parallel measures to deal with this?