I continue to be befuddled by what exactly one is supposed to do with flags in the 10k tools, and I'm quite relieved to know they're going away soon. In the meantime, though, here's a stumper I just came across in my flagging history:
The post in question is this answer, which came up flagged as Not an Answer if I remember correctly. I understand why someone would flag this - it was only a sort-of good fit to the question to begin with - but I disagree that it failed to address the original intent of the OP. Particularly, I felt it did answer the question in its state at the time, with a less specific title.
On the other hand, given the current state of the question, I can understand that it might best be classed as Not an Answer. Given that, I can understand that my invalid flags
is disputed.
I'm completely stumped, however, at the message. Flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
? That has absolutely nothing to do with why I flagged this way. The technical content of the post was never an issue.
Could someone elucidate what on Earth this message means and how it came into being?