I follow GiorgioP answer and as first, maybe trivial, thing I stress the conceptual uncertainty about the word "homework": if I have a question about a passage regarding a propagator I can certainly ask for it, by experience I asked myself and I saw it done many times, but how if this is leaved as an exercise for the reader in some books; is this an homework? It clearly is not, because it wasn't in the first case.
This uncertainty seems to be solved, stated in the advice you cite, because
a question is very likely to be categorized as homework if you are interested only in the conceptual structure of your passages and not of the theory you are considering: at the same time though, physics uses mathematics as a tool, and is inevitable that many physical questions involves mathematical uncertainties and errors, not just physical errors regarding the way the theory is thinked by the asker.
Also, as a personal opinion, the conceptual privilege reserved to the site quality, that make the site go against this type of questions, is dangerous since it puts the site way above the heads of the users and the moderators too, that make it exists, posing it far away from the intent of discuss physics; seems to be this idea of purity in the background that repels discussion and dialectic. Also this makes the site to have a too rigid approach that I think also quite ansiogenic for the new users, so detrimental for the site on the long term.
To conclude, I personally don't have anything against homeworks, but I understand that a low-limit should be put to avoid questions like: "solve me this exercise". I agree on this, but I think also there is too strict and rigid moderation on this, that in my opinion should be relaxed to make the site breathe a bit more. Nobody gains anything, and the richness should be in the discussion and in putting on the table different opinions: maybe I idealize too much, because every-day moderation I imagine to be quite harsh, because not everyone wants really this and many people want to just have their problem solved, but at the same time I think the site should remain open to give space to this spirit. And if an homework is a way to discuss physics, why not.