I vote the historical lock. I don't think the question has any real value, but some future non-physicist people might find it useful.
Update (sorry for delay, had things to do)
AFAICR, the new resource recommendation policy clearly states that
Resource recommendations must ask for descriptive answers. It's not enough to ask for a list of books that cover topic X-- a simple Amazon search can provide that.
Instead, you should ask for recommendations, which specify:
- What the book covers
- How it covers it — is it rigorous? Intuitive? How is the writer's style?
- What are the prerequisites?
and similar questions.
The post being discussed does not request any of these topics, it simply asks for a list of books. The vast majority of the answers to the question also appear to fail the recommended answering policy:
...the answer should be substantive, and give as much information about the book as possible. Try to explain the style of the author, as well as listing the topics it covers well and the topics which it isn't so thorough with. Try to list the prerequisites too
Anupam and Satwick's answers at least mention topics covered, but don't really hit the other points (where the book isn't thorough or the prerequisites).
Given that it does not really fit the model of the Stack Exchange network (which has a general ban on list questions anyway) and that it does not even fit our book policy, the only two options I see are (a) complete deletion and (b) historical lock.
I do not believe that (a) should be considered just because there is the possibility that someone could find some of the books are useful. Thus, the only good option is the historical lock.