This discussion question is inspired by this post on the current homework policy question. The main question is
What are the goals of this site?
Some things to think about when answering:
- What is it we want this site to represent?
- What are the ideals to which we should hold all of the content on this site?
- What do we want the site to be seen as? (i.e., how do we want it to look to outsiders?)
Some might say this is unnecessary, but I think it is really important. To quote Jim (the user who posted the idea)
Before we get ahead of ourselves [and define close reasons], we should step back and officially answer some questions that I'm sure many of you will consider already answered. But until we know everyone agrees on them and knows our stance, we can't properly move forward.
Please try to focus on one question at a time in answers; hopefully once the community has reached a consensus, the answers can be combined into the main answer.
Note: after this question, there will be two more questions, plus the close vote question already in existence. I will link to them as each is resolved.
Next question: Leeway in deviating from goals of this site