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24 votes
1 answer

Suspicious new user accounts?

Just found this while browsing the bottom of new users page. All accounts start with w88, followed by a random word and a number. Most of them have set "Bangkok Thiland" as their location. ...
AlphaLife's user avatar
  • 12.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Account suspensions

I've noticed some account suspensions recently. I thought this feature was meant for people who do not contribute to the site in a valuable way and do not follow the rules of asking/answering ...
Wolpertinger's user avatar
  • 11.7k
6 votes
5 answers

'Stalking', Reverse-Voting and the scope of "Serial Downvoting" Confusion

Inspired by the answer to these two questions, I am a little unsure. There are several other grad students on the website that are taking similar specialisations to me, and so naturally there is a ...
Flint72's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is promoting external websites in user profiles forbidden?

User profiles in Stack Exchange have typically been a very personal thing and the attitude towards them has been the most laissez-faire in the spectrum of SE policy. It is usual for user profiles to ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What happened to [username removed]? [closed]

[username removed] stopped posting here quite suddenly. I remember him to be very critical of the MWI, so I'm going to poke in his eye here by saying that the Universe is in a superposition of all ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
  • 10.3k
3 votes
3 answers

Crackpots and links to crackpot articles in their profile

So I see that this website is tolerant of people (which I choose to call "crackpots") which have links to their own dubious work in their profile. These people even have thousands of points of ...
DanielC's user avatar
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Why do we have a profile page and an ability to chat if SE is not a social network?

I was reading these exchanges about the (lack of) ability to follow other posters: Automating the ability to "follow" posters I can follow posters, presumably like many others do, simply by ...
Winston's user avatar
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1 answer

Should this profile description be removed?

This is the user. (I don't think whether this can be discussed here). He's quite offensive (if he doesn't like the rules, he can always go to Yahoo answers or any other forum).
jinawee's user avatar
  • 12.6k
2 votes
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Users with identical names

Apparently, nothing prevents the users from having identical display names (since they are assigned different userID): here is another Vadim. I admit though that this name is not a particularly rare ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
  • 65k
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2 answers

Is it acceptable to quote a Nazi claim on Physics SE?

I have no intention being rude, and have been hesitating a long time before posting this question. The fact is that a user of the Physics SE includes this quote in his public profile: "There will ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Has Physics.SE had this same trolling experience?

This is now the second time at Matter Modeling SE, where we have received this exact same question (both times by an "unregistered user"): I made the mistake of engaging with it the first ...
user1271772's user avatar
1 vote
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A very active (new) user suddenly disappeared. What happened?

Since yesterday, a new user started contributing on PSE. This user was very active and apparently very eager about physics and I answered one of their questions. The user was active until a few hours ...
SG8's user avatar
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How can I change my username, profile, and other settings on the Android mobile application?

Can anyone offer me some help on how to change my username and other settings using the android cellphone application?
user122066's user avatar
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Is this user a spammer?

A user [link removed] just posted an answer to a question I had bountied. The answer itself is garbled, and it's unclear whether it's a legitimate answer attempt or an attempt at farming reputation ...
The Pointer's user avatar